Thursday, May 31, 2012

Baby Bamboo

This weekend I had a bit of a "moment" causing Howie to be on a mission to have us have a great bonding day together, especially since we haven't relaxingly hung out together in a couple of months due to law school/clinicals/etc. We ended up having a very nice, low key day: watched our townie Memorial Day Parade (I love my town), had a couple margaritas outside at the local bar, went food shopping for goodies, and then went to see the Avengers that evening.

Let me preface our food shopping trip with this statement: every time I go food shopping I spend at least 3 minutes pondering whether or not I want to purchase a baby bamboo, baby orchid, or baby money tree plant... depending on what is on display when I walk in the door. This pondering habit has been going on for at least 2 years but I can never rationalize the decision to commit. So I usually just longingly look at the little plants and then move on to my regular agenda.

Our First Plant! 
This day, however, I already had two margaritas before we decided to take the 2 block walk to the grocery store. As soon as we walked in, without even thinking I blurted "Wait! Howie, can I have a baby bamboo??" I leaned over to examine all the little ceramic pot designs. "Don't you want a baby bamboo plant in our house?" Sarcastically he replied, "Of course, I'd love a baby bamboo plant, Jessica. Why don't you pick one out?" As he was replying in his you-are-out-of-your-mind voice, I hear a lady behind us start giggling at our little interaction. Embarrassed, I ran out of the way as Howie handed me one of the little plants saying, "Just get the bamboo, Jessica." In all honesty, she really could have been standing there waiting for us to get out of the way, in which case she witnessed the whole thing, and if you know how Howie and I interact it really could have been quite comical.

Later that night I realized I have no clue how to take care of a plant, let along a baby bamboo. So, I started googling as per usual. News Flash: Apparently those baby bamboo's aren't even from Asia! The indoor baby bamboos, aka, the ribbon plant, is from West Africa! Anyway, I did my proper research and now its time to take bets how long I can keep this little one alive! Wish me luck!

*Here is primarily where I got my info, if you choose to follow my footsteps and get your own baby bamboo :) I did also supplement by browsing multiple search hits, but this particular site just seems to sum it all up neatly. 

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